Lonnee Rey, series creator, "Rattled Awake," presents:
"Bullied: How I got by... Short stories from people who lived to tell about it, literally"
What happened and what advice do you want to share?

Get it off your chest under the guise of a professional story development editor. Your share could help another person get through (or move past) a bullying experience. 

If you are the type of person who wants to help future generations...


If you are compelled to "be the change..." 


You will love this opportunity to share your story about bullying. 


Your experience can help another person more than you realize.


You can share anonymously, if you wish.

Finally, a way to share a difficult story

Let's talk about it.  Together, we will find a way to share your experience. You have a message to share and we both know it. 

-Lonnee Rey

"Bullied: How I got by"  
Writing Workshop: July  26 - 28 
 Publishes: Aug 1, 2024


Get published a week after the workshop

Share your story | Get published to establish credibility | Promote your work


Lonnee will help you:

  1. Tell your story without throwing someone under the bus.
  2. Use your experience to help others.
  3. Discover ways to write that clearly express what you feel and want most to share.
  4. Finally, know how to start, end and create a compelling story.
  5.  Promote your book - and your business - in collaboration with others who share your story and passion to help others dealing with the effects of bullying. 

Zoom Schedule

Times are in EDT:

Friday  5-7pm: Meet the others

Sat 2-6pm: Professional story development strategies

Sun  2-6pm: Editing your chapter, together

{Your chapter is due Mon., 5pm, EDT}


Book: 100% Done-for-You

Launch: Thursday! 

Promotional memes are created for you

"Bullied: How I got by... Short stories from people who lived to tell about it, literally"

(Your seat could be free - ask about this option. )

Yes, you can write an article/chapter 

in a weekend

This isn't pressure, it is PRECISION,

Accountability & Expertise on-hand

{min 1,500 - 4k words}

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