Your story matters & you can get published without 'becoming a writer.' One weekend will show you the way:

The next volume in the #1 International Best-selling series, "The Mental Health Issue" will feature your story, in your words, as it regards mental health and well-being. 


This is your chance to share your perspectives, experiences and insights.  In turn, your story will shine the light for others who are desperately seeking a way, and HOPE, most of all. You have lived to tell about it. Lonnee will help you get it written just as she has helped over 60 writers before you.


The benefits continue with your becoming a co-author of the next best-seller. Imagine what this can do for your confidence and brand! See the WORKSHOP tab for more details.

Emily Sharratt, MSW

Rattled Awake, Volume 9: The Writers & Poets Edition


Since my first publication in Volume 9 my opportunities have skyrocketed—invitation for TV airtime in front of an audience of 52 Million, leading an incredible Wellness Weekend Retreat in Chicago, + elevating my first solo publication to help our next generation springboard into confidence and joy.


The writing experience helped not only by brand and confidence as a coach, trainer and speaker, but also as a woman—healing through connection with both my writing, the process, and the people involved. 


Lonnee Rey brings clarity in the chaos that often keeps writers paralyzed and stuck, unable to share our greatest gift, our story, with those that most need to hear it. I can’t recommend enough contributing your voice to the Rattled Awake best selling series. 


What changed for you over
 the past 5 years?
How are you better, not bitter?

Let's talk about it.

Lonnee Rey - Story Development Editor & Creator, "Rattled Awake" Series

Entire Program

(see Workshop)



What do you get? "Rattled Awake" authors go on to do big things. It starts here, with a precise (not pressured) transformational writing weekend.

  • Published author status a/o Sept 5th - "#1 Best-seller" track record
  • Resources assisting you with future marketing & writing endeavors
  • Training: messaging, self-editing, titling, compelling story-telling
  • Live Coaching with Lonnee, an award-winning editor (2023 Indie Book of the Year), multi-#1 best-selling author, writer, ghost writer, professional story development editor & noted publisher
  • Custom graphics/memes to help promote your book
  • Collaboration: group support, expanded network exposure

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